Comprehensive Support for Injured or Ill Employees

At CCM, our US operation provides a 24/7/365 callout service, ensuring that a licensed adjuster can promptly meet an injured or ill employee dockside or at the heliport. Our goal is to transport them and arrange necessary medical treatment efficiently. During our initial encounter, we are equipped to obtain a recorded statement and an executed medical release authorisation. Additionally, we can arrange DOT and / or Non-DOT drug / alcohol tests as required by the client.

We continue to keep constant contact with the employer, the injured party and their family ensuring they receive the correct medical treatment and correct financial support as they convalesce towards maximum medical improvement.

Medical Auditing Services

We specialise in medical auditing services, achieving significant reductions in most cases, thereby helping our clients save time and money.

Background Investigations

We also have the capability through our membership of the Marine Index Bureau and our license to provide Private Investigation services to check into a claimant’s past to determine past medical, criminal and civil litigation history. This can be an extremely powerful negotiating tool in managing a claim.

If you want to recover your losses fairly, equitably and professionally, speak to CCM today.

Claims Control & Detailed Reporting

CCM will present a concise and detailed report to its clients and/or insurers on all current claims at least every thirty to sixty days or as developments progress.

The reports will encompass:

  • A brief recap of issues and investigation relating to liability
  • Medical diagnosis, treatment to date, prognosis and exposur
  • Evaluation of the injured party’s medical progress
  • Current legal issues
  • Confirmation of held indemnity and expense reserves
  • Recommendations for future handling

Emergency Afterhours Contact

We offer a free emergency contact number available afterhours and at weekends. Unlike many services, our afterhours and weekend phones are managed by our on-call adjusters, not an answering service. All office numbers are routed to the on-call adjuster during these times, who will then assign the nearest adjuster to the claim as needed.

Multilingual Support

  • Boston Office: Trilingual adjuster fluent in English, Spanish, and French
  • Houston / Galveston Office: Bilingual adjuster fluent in English and Spanish

More than Offshore Personal Injury

Our services extend beyond offshore personal injury. Find out how we can help with our other comprehensive services:

If you are involved with an offshore personal injury claim, ensure you have the best support and speak to Condon Claims Management now.

Key Contacts

Benjamin Gifford Condon Claims Management

Benjamin L. Gifford

Condon Claims Management
work (713) 224-2681