Loss and safety audits

An important factor of underwriting a risk is understanding it. We offer a comprehensive loss and safety audit service for potential insureds in order to ensure that they are a viable risk. This service has recently been welcomed by a number of our clients and is often included as a warranty under the policy where it is deemed appropriate to perform such audits.

An example of an audit would include:

  • A brief history of the company including operations
  • Verification of the information given on the insurance submission including payroll and number of employees
  • Review the company safety program, including training, safety meetings and job safety awareness, the availability of recognised safety equipment to employees, equipment maintenance, and safety reward schemes
  • Hiring practices including prospective employee screening and post offer drug screening
  • To provide a detailed report with improvement recommendations (if required)

We also perform premium reviews at expiry of policies that were underwritten on a minimum and deposit (M&D) type premium payment.

Insurance audits

Alongside our loss and safety audits we also provide comprehensive insurance audits.

We perform insurance audits on various classes of business for underwriting intent, claims control, and commutation purposes, thereby ensuring the insurance program is within the parameters and guidelines agreed at its inception.

CCM has a deep and thorough understanding of each industry in which we operate.

Condon Claims Management – the complete claims handling service

If you need support with more than just our auditing service, then CCM can help.

We provide a complete range of claims management and related services. Discover more about these services by clicking the links below:

Understand the risks with Condon Claims Management’s audits

When you need to understand all aspects of the risk you are underwriting speak to CCM. We will provide a no-obligation consultation regarding your requirements.

Key Contacts UK

Stephen Hunt Condon Claims Management

Stephen Hunt

Condon Claims Management
work +44 (0)20 7204 2621

Key Contacts US

Jonathan Hernandez Condon Claims Management

Jonathan Hernandez

Condon Claims Management
work (985) 624-2934