With 1,000s of ports and logistics hubs in busy operation across the world, it perhaps comes as no surprise to learn that they are a common source of claims of all kinds.

Port liability claims can arise from many sources - defective berth claims, stevedore damage to vessels, damage to cargo or containers, damage to vehicles and warehousing claims.

And alongside the claims within the port are incidents involving those using the port: Vessels damaging a berth, damage to cranes and equipment, damage to a terminal surface, regulatory breaches, quarantine issues and wreck removal.

Claims can arise not just from damage to vessels, cranes or machinery - but from personal injury too. Claims can also arise from the detention or blacklisting of a ship. The ever- increasing level of cybersecurity threats is another area in which claims can arise. Pollution has also been a common source of claims in recent years as national authorities tighten their regulations in this area.

So, whether you’re making a claim against a port, or defending a claim, CCM can help.

Our port and logistics claims management services include:

In addition to our claims handling expertise, we are also able to offer a proactive risk management service, providing support to Master Mariners and fleet personnel on incidents, disputes, protests, and potential liabilities before they reach the stage of becoming a claim.

Want to find out more about CCM’s port and logistics claims handling services? Then speak to us today - expert claims management you can trust.

Key Contacts

Stephen Hunt Condon Claims Management

Stephen Hunt

Condon Claims Management
work +44 (0)20 7204 2621