Deborah R. Cook
Career Summary
Debbie worked for a major UK insurance broker from 1986 before joining the CCM in June 2005.
She initially trained as an Account Handler in the classes of Motor Fleet, Engineering, Personal Accident, Travel, Property Damage, Business Interruption, Employers Liability and Public Liability, servicing her own portfolio of clients. Debbie then handled Excess of Loss Marine Reinsurance claims, and processing for the London market thereby ensuring payments were made and client accounts were audited frequently.
At CCM Debbie provides technical expertise and adjusts claims on our Marine Liability programs. Additional duties carried out include, the audit of expense invoices, processing Claim Settlements and Invoice submissions to underwriters via the Lloyds Underwriting Electronic Claims system. Creating Binder Compliance Loss Runs, and Individual Loss Runs for renewal purposes upon Brokers requests.